Mar 05, 20204 Fears that hinder us from living and leaving a legacy
When God is calling us out of our comfort zone - He wants us to walk by faith and the enemy of that faith is fear.
Fear of Failure -- The fear of failure consistently limits millions of believers from reaching their full potential. The fear of failure leads us to ask – “What if I really do obey God, and then I mess up?” “What if I ‘step out of the boat’ and follow God and then it doesn’t happen.” All of us can face this fear. The voice of the fear of failure says “Hey, don’t even bother trying this thing – you can’t do it. Besides, what if you try and fail?”
Fear of Success -- What if I obey God and supernatural things start to happen in my life? What will people say? What if I really begin to move forward in my life? What will my friends think? What if God does a supernatural thing in my life? Are people going to think that I am weird?”
Fear of Man -- The fear of man is a really big reason that many people fall into partial or delayed obedience. There is a common question we all face – do we care more about the approval of our friends, family, co-workers, even people we don’t even know, or do we care about pleasing God first? The real question is – do we live for the audience of those that surround us or do we live for the audience of God?
Fear of the Future -- This one is big as well. When God asks us to do something that doesn’t make sense to us – we can begin to think of all of the future implications obeying God will hold. Just think of the story of Abraham and Isaac in the Old Testament. What if Abraham would have succumbed to a spirit of fear rather than to obey God? “But God, if I obey you, my son Isaac will die. And you couldn’t fix that problem.” Abraham overcame that fear by trusting God. He believed God would raise his son from the dead if he needed to. Isn’t that powerful?
How many of you, like me, have ever succumbed and allowed fear to overtake your faith – and you were delayed or partially obedient to God’s call?
God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear!
2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (NKJV)
In the next post, I will share with you 3 steps to overcoming fear so you can leave a legacy.
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