May 01, 2020
In my previous post, I began sharing about how to Lead Through a Crisis. I think we can all agree that we are going through a crisis right now in our world with Covid-19. Let me remind you that now is not the time for motivational teaching, but it’s a time for leaders to lead with empathy and compassion.
The second point I would like to share with you is that we need to Lead with Love! The Bible says in Matthew 20:26, “....Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” This is the perfect example that Christ gave us as He led and loved people throughout His ministry. He showed us how to lead…even those who questioned Him and denied Him. The disciples carried out His earthly ministry and followed His example. They ministered alongside Jesus. They had a front row seat to every life that He touched. Through serving, we are actually leading. Through leading, we are loving. We can’t motivate people out of a crisis. We have to lead them.
We have heard it said before, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Show people that you care --- send a text, make a phone call, write a note. Build relationships as much as you can! Leading through loving is what people need during difficult times. Love and care go hand in hand. “For God so loved the world that he gave…..” (John 3:16). Giving of your love and care through leading speaks volumes to people.
While Christ was here on Earth, He spent most of His time among the people. He led and loved the people around him. Christ values relationships and he proved that during His ministry. He valued the woman at the well. He valued Judas. He even valued the thief on the cross. When we love and value people, as Christ did, we have the ability to lead them. When we value people, they know where to turn in times of crisis. They may not be involved in church, but when they face a crisis, they will look to those who have been there for them in the good and bad times. What a perfect opportunity to lead them to the saving hope of Christ!
During difficult times take some time to be there for those around you. Be the one that they run to when they are hurting! Be the encouragement that they need to press on! Lead them to pursue the life that God has given them! A life of purpose and value!
A great book to read is The Four Laws of Love by Jimmy Evans. It’s not only a helpful book for those who are married, but for everyone. Click here for more information on The Four Laws of Love.
A practical way to show God’s love is by inviting someone to attend C3 Church Online or a C3 Church Watch Party with you this weekend! Just go to and click Join a Watch Party or Watch Online. C3 Church Online and Watch Parties are available on Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 9 am and 11am. We would love to connect with you and help guide you through your journey with Christ.
For more information about C3 Church, go to
Real Hope for Real People in a Real World