Oct 15, 2018

We see how Paul is Focused in Philippians 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."

It is so easy to get distracted. With my personality I can get bored really easy. Sometimes if a conversation gets too serious for too long I like to just throw in some random humor, but Martha doesn’t call it humor, she calls it a distraction. LOL. 

Sometimes it’s a movie quote from one of my favorite movies like ELF,  “Why are you smiling?” “Smiling's my favorite” "Make work your favorite."

What are you focusing on?

You have the option to focus on:

  • Your problems
  • Your limitations
  • Your circumstances
  • Your feelings
  • Your enemies
  • Your critics
  • Yourself


  • You can Focus on God and His plan for your life!

I am blessed to have 3 awesome kids, and they have grown up way too fast. I’ve told them and I tell any young adult: 

1. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

2. Stay focused

3. Work hard and go the extra mile, be faithful in the little things, there will be NO LIMIT to what God can do in their life. Whatever dream that God has placed in your heart can become a reality if you do that. I believe that with all my heart.