Feb 25, 2019
Last week I shared in Part 1 how as we get healthier our relationships will get healthier. As I focus on myself rather than trying to fix other people, that’s when my relationships become healthy.
I compared working on relationships to how Chip and Joanna Gaines fix up houses.
Many relationships need to be:
- Fixed
- Sanded down
- Stained
- Painted
- Sealed in the purpose
In this post, we're going to look at the next two ways to work on our relationships.
Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,”(NIV)
Give God the brush. He is our creator and knows his creation better than any of us. When we give him the brush, He will do more than we could ever do in our own power. When we give Him the power to fix the other person, He can do it in a much more gentle and effective way than we could.
Begin with the end in mind. I picture Martha and I in our nineties walking on the beach, holding hands, reminiscing about all the things God has done in our family and C3 and the miracles that took place. We won't get there if I give up on the hard days, I press through and work on our marriage, because I have chosen to love her forever.
I desire to hear those words one day from my Lord and Savior, "Well done. Good and faithful servant." (Matthew 25:23 NIV)
Sometimes the middle is tough. Those seasons when you're not where you want to be, but you're not where you used to be. Yesterday, we had three amazing young communicators share on this topic of being in the middle. If you want to check it out, click here to watch!
Transition is another season when it is highly important to give God the brush. You're not sure what the future holds, but you can trust God that He has good plans for you.
When life gets out of control, we can try to control everyone around us when we just need to give God control.
God says, I don’t value success I value obedience. To us, success could mean having a lot of money, earning that promotion, or receiving that award, but as Christians, we should not measure success that way. All of those things are awesome, but mean nothing without obedience. God values obedience. Obedience in your relationship with God, your marriage, family, etc.
It starts with your family. If I lose everything, but my family is healthy and growing in their relationship with Christ, then I have done well. My family is more important than C3.
We need to allow God to seal the deal for us.
When charisma outpaces your character you sacrifice your calling.
Our character is not defined in the good times, but in the hard times.
What are chairs made from? Wood
Wood comes from trees
What makes trees grow? Water
The element that gave this chair life was water.
The very thing that gave it life will be the very thing that will rot it.
Character sustains us, and charisma must be accompanied by character. The Holy Spirit helps develop our character by leading us, convicting us, and helping us.
We need to allow God to seal the deal for us.
Ephesians 1:13, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,”(NIV)
Pull up a chair and let God change your life.
Don’t do life alone.