Dec 31, 2018


I believe that no matter what your 2018 was like that this next year can be your best year ever! I have learned the power of the words that I speak.

Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”(NIV)

What you say about yourself will impact your life and your future. How you finish this sentence has a tremendous impact on your life, I am ___________.

If you say over and over that:

I’m tired

I’m sick

I’m depressed

I’m discouraged

I’m frustrated

I’m stupid

I’m an idiot

I can’t do anything right

I’m a failure

There’s nothing wrong with be honest with God and others about how you feel. But if you declare those words over and over you will start to believe them and it will impact your attitude and your actions.

Don’t listen to the lies from the devil. He is a liar and the father of lies. That’s the only language he knows.

In the book that I wrote called I AM – Encounter the One who will give you Purpose and Peace in a Crazy World, I share 31 I AM declarations at the end of the book. I want to encourage you to take one declaration every day and declare that truth over your life. Every day when I wake up I get a reminder on my phone with the declaration of the day. I can’t tell you what an impact it has on my day!

Our identity doesn’t come from what our critics say or what the devil says about us. Our identity comes from God. I am a child of God! And our identity impact our destiny.

When I encounter the great I am that’s when I discover who I am!

That’s why it’s important to declare what God says about us.

As I was studying God’s Word I found 31 of the most powerful I AM declarations of who God says that I am.

So as we go through the 31 I AM declarations, I want you to meditate and declare one every day and watch God do amazing things in your life in 2019!

Click here to download the 31 I AM Declarations. There are multiple options that you can download including reminders, bookmarks and pdf files.

Let’s take this journey together!