Apr 20, 2020
How do we lead people through a crisis? Now is not the time for motivational teaching but it’s a time for leaders to lead with empathy and compassion. There’s power when we do what is on the heart of God. And people are on God’s heart. That’s what He cares about most!
From creation, He longed to have a relationship with us. He cares about us more than anything else in the world, it is "soul" deep, and personal. Eternity is His focus, but our lives here on this earth are His masterpieces in the making.
Anointing comes when we do what is God's heart, and His heart is clearly and passionately given to evangelism. Sharing with as many as possible about the unconditional love and selfless sacrifice of Christ on the cross is the driving purpose of our existence.
Crisis moves people to be open to hearing about the hope they have in Christ. This is our finest hour at this time in the world to share this truth. We, as the church, have the answer to give to those who are seeking and wondering what is going on in their lives. They are fearful. They are confused. Will they get sick? Will they lose their job? We must let people see God in us. We must share our faith with those who are hurting. We have the ultimate peace that passes understanding which is only found in Christ.
Think about those who you could share Christ with during this time. Is it a family member? Or a neighbor? Maybe a co-worker? Now more than ever people have questions. Hope in Christ is always the answer! Give hope today!
At C3 Church, our services have moved online and we are hosting Watch Parties every weekend. The cool thing is anyone can join us no matter where you live! We have three opportunities to share hope: Saturday, 5pm or Sunday, 9am and 11am. If you would like to sign up for a Watch Party just go to and jump on the zoom call that you choose 15 minutes before the service and hang out after the service with your watch party. It is so much fun! I am praying for all of you during this time.